Routine background scan initiated. No threats found.
Network encrypted [4096-bit]. Idle state.
@encrypted_user_24: _
Bridge: A shared processing network permitting cybertech to draw on massive computing power by being joined to those around it. Created by CamTECH.
Chromegang: A gang with a particularly high number of heavily augmented individuals.
Decker: Mercenary label for someone using a cyberdeck to hack or counter-hack.
Face: Mercenary label for someone utilising social skills to manipulate or network.
High Threat Response Team (Alt. HTR, Psychosquad): A specialised task force designed for managing major threats such as cyberpsychos and active mercenary teams, often with specialised tactics and equipment unavailable to police or security forces.
Manablood (Alt. Mana-blood): A biological quality of being born with magically attuned physiology, often attributed to one's blood. A non-hereditary, biological requirement for being capable of learning traditional spellcasting.
Megastructure (Alt. Arcology): Large, socially isolated structures designed to house many people along with general services. Designed by Tark Consortium.
Nomad: Individuals known to live in the unclaimed territories between nations and cities.
Resonance (Alt. Magic): The term provided to the general presence of magic in the world.
Rigger: Someone whom operates drones and vehicles, often using a neural interface.
Ripper (Alt. Ripperdoc): General cyberware and medical services provider, usually operating without a license.
Scrip: Megacorporate private currencies, used to pay their tightly contracted employees to prevent them buying goods from other corporations - in exchange for radical discounts. Often of high value to those integrated with a given corp, but useless to others.
Solaris Tactical: The HTR Team for Phoenix Industries.
Spyder: A defensive hacker, usually employed to defend against deckers.
Synthetic Neuron: Artificially crafted neurons designed to be attached to a person's peripheral or central nervous system, permitting biological communication with cyberware and sensory input. Requires Neracytrin to manage rejection disorders.
Tark Consortium (Alt. Big T): A megacorporation specialised in material sciences, construction, and infrastructure.
See also: Tark Consortium
Transference: The process of converting mundane activity into magical, or vice versa, such as spellcasting.