Routine background scan initiated. No threats found.
Network encrypted [4096-bit]. Idle state.
@encrypted_user_24: _
Species | Lyestra |
Role | Mage, Face |
Identifying Traits | Middle-upper class, tarot cards |
Willow Wisp is a Lyestran fortune-teller residing on the 41st to 49th floors of Megastructure B7, often recognized for her eager display of a deck of high-quality tarot cards and a happily worn mysticism in her outward behaviour.
Shared over a pair of drinks, the local cop Maro and her ex-mercenary contact Fox, discuss the rumours, hearsay and intel caught amongst the conversations and peoples of Megastructure B7 from the comforts of their favourite restaurant and meeting place, The Mystery Deli.
"The fortune-teller." Maro started with, not a word of warning nor easing - a set of documents tossed across the table at the ever lazing, old Lyestra.
"You'll have to be more specific, I'm sure there's at least two fortune tellers in a tower of sixty thousand plus." Fox retorted, amused.
"She one of yours? Another of your old 'assets'? Certainly seems to match your style - illegal magic, deception, and not a single sign of rent or even evidence of accommodation to speak of. Certainly looks like another one of your foxes."
The ex-merc rolled his eyes and straightened up, looking over the images, before shaking his head. "Recognize her, but she's not one of mine. But, kept some people trying to dig - she's good. Finding any actually reliable information is impossible, but as far as I can tell she's definitely a magician, given how often she buys supplies from Kestrel, or at the very least an alchemist. Illegal magic, though? Doesn't strike me as the type."
"Well... Marik Connell? The councillor? Just had his wife incarcerated for attempted murder, and in doing so, destroyed his own political base. Turns out it was all a bit of trickery - and some 'fortune teller' gave him the idea."
"...Look, if that was her, it'd require planning, knowledge, and opportunity - and given that her fancy 'card' skill apparently comes from a life of card-sharking and gambling, I doubt she's the type. Probably in a mountain of debt - it'd also explain why instead of paying rent, she apparently uses her magic on the sly for the Administrator."
"Of course she does. Still, that would keep her busy. She's not off the hook, but... Maybe it wasn't her. What about her parents, though? Closest thing I can find is some of the locals saying she killed them - but seeing as no one seems to even know her name, I can't look up the records, and she's not exactly volunteering for a fingerprint."
"Well... There are moments of passion." The Lyestra offered, shrugging. "And as a magician, it's hard, you fight the structure of magic with the impulse of ... Impulse. If she did, it would've been an accident."
"That's what I heard too..."
"But look, it can't be too bad. The kids and youths adore her - the amount of kids that come up thinking I can do 'Magic Readings' or think I'm going to buy them candy just because they give me the doe-eyes? That's got to be all her. The innocence of youth breaks even the best parent-killing hearts, apparently."
"Hmh. Keep an eye on her. I'm not sure she's as innocent of fault as you think she is... And if she isn't one of yours, and she really does know the magic some people claim - I'm concerned as to whom she does work for.