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Morazham are stocky and thickly built, with short limbs and wide features. Their hands bear two thumbs and three fingers, with no weak digits – granting them a trait known by many as the ‘dwarven grip’. They are strong and hardy for their size, with skin tones ranging only in grays and pale browns. Morazham eyes are unique in always suffering radial heterochromia, often related to their ability to see on the Infrared spectrum. The vast majority of morazham are male by birth, with a ratio of approximately 1:6.
Morazham minds are less fluid than that of most other species, lending to often slow and methodical thinking, aiding them well in sciences and crafts, and tend to favour function over form. Their reduced fluidity of thought and a slightly weaker emotional response is often held as the reason for their strong wills and resolve; many of their cultures manifesting traits of practicality over personal importance, whether in the form of clans or companies. Many morazham strongly dislike surprises and chaos.
Morazham magicians are quite uncommon, manifesting in less than 1:750 denizens; though mana-blooded individuals are easy to identify by notable changes in their eyes, as their iris shifts to a sharp, metallic gold regardless of their natural eye colour. Morazham possess no magical traits - their ability to perceive in the infrared spectrum appearing to be a biological rather than arcane trait.