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This is content directly ported from the old campaign, and thus has not yet been reviewed - general vibes, themes, and broad details are probably still accurate, but check any fine details.


Surviving through Fortune

Huvarin lack any physical advantages or disadvantages, typically putting them at a loss compared to other species' specializations. However, their innate ability to detect danger and interact with other creatures has done well to keep them alive.

Not Quite Human

Physical Characteristics

Huvarin share the majority of biomechanical characteristics with their Earth parallel, homo sapiens. They are predominantly dark-skinned, as most originate from jungle environments – however, in later times, some lighter tones emerge in those with strong family history in Triaca and other colder regions. They possess the typical array of five-digit hands and toes.

Mental Characteristics

Outmatched and preyed upon by other species, both intelligent and bestial, the Huvarin have developed excellent natural processes for interpreting and parsing information for threat and danger recognition. While a subconscious act, they are capable of quickly parsing clues in their environment or in the behaviour of other creatures – helping them act or adjust their behaviour accordingly. These features have ensured that many Huvarin demonstrate higher interest in high-risk scenarios, innately comfortable in their higher-than-average chances of coming out unscathed.

Magical Characteristics

Huvarin that manifest mana-blood can be identified by a faint bioluminescence to their blood and are reasonably common, with an incidence of roughly 1:500. Extracted Huvarin mana-blood maintains its luminescence for a short period and became the phenomenon that prompted some cultures to investigate the potential of blood magic and the understanding of organic creatures' attachment to mana.