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As has dictated the default styling of this site, the current campaign has strong themes of fantasy and cyberpunk - Niyala has progressed into the post-technical age, and with the advent of cybernetics, AI, and the ultimate of consumer comforts; so too have arrived the dangers of corporate authority, classism, and the true power of money in the world.
The Campaign Brief covers the introductory information relating to the campaign, such as expectations, power level, themes and styles. Certainly required reading before determining if this is the campaign for you.
While the campaign setting can steadily be explored as the GM transfers information to the Compendium, a far more brief overview of the campaign-relevant setting details and a general overview can be found in the campaign-specific Campaign Story
If this all still has your attention, make your way towards the Player Characters section, where information about your character and what they might or might not be able to do can be found. There is also a more detailed GURPS Character Creation (Cyberpunk) page but the GM does intend to make characters for you based on your ideas - so that's optional reading.
The GM intends to make characters himself, but for those curious about more mechanical details as to how it works - or at least to get an idea as to what's available as options, check out Cyberpunk Character Creation.
Of course, getting an understanding of the basic rules is somewhat helpful, so consider reading over the GURPS Quick-Start, covering the must-know rules about GURPS for those new to the system. This pages covers only the basics of how attributes, skills, and combat works. The GURPS Basic Set covers this in more detail, however is most definitely not required reading.
Lastly, there are some specialty rules. These are not required reading, but relevant to certain parts of the campaign. Note, these have all been written and made by the GM - so some mid-campaign balancing may occur.